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Monday, October 29, 2012

Katy's Day Seven

And one week bites the DUST!

Today I ate a green smoothie for breakfast, Chicken Bacon Alfredo for lunch, and Pumpkin Pancakes for dinner (SO GOOD!).  I snacked on dried bananas, pistachios and a Lara Bar Cashew Cookie (not good).  Seriously though.  The Pumpkin Pancakes were a great substitute for something starchy that you can bite into.  They are dense but I added the smashed banana and I loved that subtle flavor.  Wendy was thinking of adding pecans (brilliant) and I'm thinking adding some applesauce with a little cinnamon could be yummy.

Here is my self assessment one week in.  

I don't eat enough vegetables.  Big surprise.  The constant snacking makes it so my meals are glorified snacks and if I have the choice between chicken with veggies or just chicken...I'll pass on the veggies.  

I still have that desire to gorge (or 'mange' as I used to say in France).  Maybe not necessarily on sweets but something.  Since I've started dehydrating fruit I will eat through a whole bag of dehydrated apples (we're talking seven dehydrated apples) in one sitting.  

This leads me to the perpetual question...should I change my snacking habit?  Who knows.  In the past when I have tried to change it turns into full meals and snacking which isn't good.  I feel like my body does just fine eating every few hours but I have to start focusing on eating healthier (which is ironic considering what I'm limiting myself to eating right now).

Enough Rambling.  So I'm going to focus on eating more vegetables this week and try to be more mindful about my eating (gorging/binging/etc.).  Which means I will sit down at the kitchen table when eating dinner.  I will use the Formula for Change from Ana Forrest to help:

1. Catch yourself doing behavior
2. Take many deep breaths to reset your energy
3. Congratulate yourself for having caught behavior
4. Take a step that puts you in a healing path or direction (as you do this you will develop a repertoire of steps)  

My step will be assessing if I'm actually hungry or just used to eating/snacking.  Brushing my teeth or a Listerine Strip (Whole30?!) also helps if I'm not actually hungry :)

Well hasn't this gotten a little existential? :)   

1 comment:

  1. I really like this post. I need to do a self assessment as well. I think eating enough vegetables is also the hardest part for me, because fruit is so much yummier.
